Since many parents will most likely be home for the holidays with their littles ones, we thought this would be the perfect time to give you the lowdown on everything baby needs to begin weaning.

It’s such an important milestone in your baby’s life, and you may be feeling a little unsure where to start. But planning ahead and ensuring you have everything you need allows the process to go as smoothly as possible – but beware - can’t guarantee it won’t get messy!

To help you get started, we’ve jotted down some of the key essentials. Be sure to arm yourself with the right tools depending on what works best for parent and baby, but remember not to put too much pressure on yourself – you’ll learn as you go!


First things first

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of a weaning baby is the high chair, as they need to be able to safely sit upright while they eat.

And when it comes to high chairs, there are lots of things to consider, but ultimately you’re looking for something your baby finds comfortable so it’s easy for baby to concentrate on their food. There are many great options - like the JOIE Mimzy High Chair , you can find out more about it here – Made For Mums Review – Joie Mimzy High Chair

Once your baby is happy with their highchair, you may want to think about putting them in a bib to keep them clean as they wean! At Nuby, we have a fantastic variety of bibs to choose from – whether you’re looking for a RolyPoly Silicone Bib to catch all of your dinner debris or our cute Teething Corner Bibs that are multi-purpose! Whatever you choose, a great bib to keep baby clean is a must


What To Start With

If you are starting with transitioning to solid foods, then the Nuby  Squeeze Feeder™ spoons are uniquely designed to ease the transition from liquid feeding to solid feeding. STEP-1 SPOON: Made with a small hole for first foods such as: cereal and simple pureed vegetables and pureed soft fruit. STEP-2 SPOON: Made with a larger hole for thicker more textured second foods such as: congee, meat combinations, fruits and vegetables.

Purées are a popular option for babies who are ready to start weaning ahead of the 6 month mark. Many parents love spooning purées into our EZ Squee-Z Weaning Feeder as a less messy way of introducing those first tastes if they’re not quite ready for finger foods.


Setting the table

The tableware is central to your weaning adventure, and how you decide to approach weaning can affect the type of plates, bowls, spoons and cups that you’d choose.

If you want to go down the baby-led weaning route, where you allow your baby to feed themselves, our brilliant Suregrip Dipeez Spoon & Teethrr gives babies real confidence in getting to know their food.

The  Nuby Suction Bowl, has a suction pad on the bottom allow babies to get their fill without their food running away from them!

Nuby also has a range of other tableware items that may come in handy on your weaning journey. You can find out more about them here. – Nuby Tableware.

That should cover the basics to get you started on your weaning journey. But by now, you’ll have worked out that it’s all a learning process – and, together with baby, your family will discover what tools, tips and tricks work best for you.

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